
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
― Leonardo da Vinci

Hi there, thank you for visiting! If you only have a few minutes to spend here, I would invite you to read my favorite quotes. If you enjoy these, some of my favorite talks may also interest you. On the more artistic side, you may find my photography and videography portfolios inspirational.


EDIT: Content mostly from pre 2016… badly needed updates here but time is unfortunately the currency we are all running out of… Updates will come “in due course”.

About the goal of this webpage and blog:

We live in fascinating times. At no point in history have humans been on the one hand so powerful and on the other hand so dependent. Technological disruptions and financial “innovation” have created massive wealth. Wealth that is highly unevenly distributed and mostly supported in limbo by an ever-growing mountain of promises and unsustainable resource consumption leading to ever-increasing shocks to the social fabric and ecosystems around the world.

In trying to get a holistic grasp of the world, I read broadly and relentlessly – aspirationally equally split between books, news, papers and Twitter – with my main interests being finance, geopolitics, energy, ecology, economics, psychology and technology. (Completion of linked Google Sheets currently in progress.)

While writing more is definitely a goal, for now consider this website as a giant Pinterest where I organize – mostly for myself – data I found particularly interesting. Some material on here substantially influenced my life, mostly for the better, so maybe you’ll find something interesting.

Language disclaimer:

This webpage will prioritize the English language.

An alle Deutschen Besucher: leider betreibe ich diese Website exklusiv auf Englisch. Es gibt lediglich die Möglichkeit bei meinen lieblings-Talks Untertitel zu aktivieren. Allerdings ist Google Translate mittlerweile auf einem korrekten Übersetzungsniveau angelangt, c.f. hier.

À tout visiteur francophone: malheureusement ce site est exclusivement tenu en anglais. Pour mes talks préférés il est possible d’activer des sous-titres. Toutefois, Google Translate est maintenant à un niveau de traduction correct. c.f. ici.

Gorges du Tarn by Drone 4K

In 2017, for the fourth year in a row, I joined the Göttinger university excursion into the Tarn canyon (fr: Gorges du Tarn) in South-West France. The excursion is about adventure education and here is my cinematic attempt at capturing it. (Best watched on a large screen in 4K.) More on the film process in my blog post here.